
How to: Upgrade any PS4 game to a specific version

A while ago I posted an article which explained how you can force the PS4 to download version 1.0 of ANY digital PS4 game. This process could be used to revert games back to their original state (the version you get on physical discs) which often makes obtaining certain trophies easier or sometimes enabling higher framerates and visuals before subsequent updates made adjustments.

This article will guide you though how to go one step further and install certain patches once you have the 1.0 copy of the game installed. Why? As mentioned above, although developers push out patches to fix issues and make adjustments, sometimes they accidentally break trophies after fixing them or they alter the criteria for unlocking them for no reason other than making the game longer to platinum.

For the below process to work, you need to have the 1.0 version of your game installed on the PS4 or PS5 (it works with PS4 games on the PS5 but not PS5 games). If you have a disc, this means just popping it in and cancelling the update, if you have a digital copy then you need to follow the instructions I wrote HERE.

It requires V1.0 because you can’t downgrade to a lower version, only upgrade to a later one! Also, saves may not be compatible if you’ve played the game on a higher version (so back them up to avoid possible corruption).

Any Update 3

Hi Charles!

The first thing you need to do is download a piece of software called Charles Proxy – which you can grab HERE. This is only a 30 day trial, after that it’s $50 a year. You may be able to find an alternative free application that does the same thing, but this was the software recommended in the info I read.

Once installed, open up “Charles” and click on ‘Help > Local IP Address’ – take note of your IP (It should be something like 192.168.x.x – mine is

Close that and click on ‘Proxy > Proxy Settings’ (or the cog then Proxy Settings). In here, tick the box to ‘Enable Transparent HTTP proxying’ and press ‘OK’.

Any Update 6

Tick the box!

On your PS4 or PS5, go into the Network settings and choose to setup the network (either wired or Wi-Fi, depending on your setup). Choose ‘Custom’ but pick “Do not specify” or “Do not use” for everything until you get to the Proxy Settings.

Choose “use” for the Proxy and put in the IP address we obtained above and the port number “8888”. Choose to “test the connection” on the PS console and you’ll get a pop-up message in Charles saying you have a new connection from you console’s IP address.

Allow the warning that pops up and if your console says it couldn’t connect to the internet, simply press Circle then test the connection again – it should now connect just fine.

Any Update 2

The download needs to start for the .json file to appear (pause as soon as it does)

Now the fun begins – you need to either insert you disc (for the game you wish to update) or manually check for an update for your digital 1.0 game by pressing Options on it then Check for update. Once the update starts, pause it on the PS console – as we don’t want it to fully download.

If you look at Charles, you’ll see a bunch of new links under ‘Structure’ on the left. The one you’re looking for is “” – click on the small + next to this, then on the one next to “gs2“, and then next to “ppkgo” and “prod“.

You should only see one PS CUSA code in here, but you may see a few if more than one game started downloading. If you’re doing this to a physical game, the ID code is on the spine of the case, if doing it digitally then you can find the code for your region by searching on

Once you’ve expanded the correct game ID, you’re looking for the the “.json” file. In the image above, I’m doing this to SIMULACRA, so it’s the “EP4459-CUSA16903_00-SIMULACRAGAMEPS4-A0105-V0100.json” file. Right click on this and pick “map remote”.

Any Update 4

If you can’t see this, disable your adblocker.

Now, if you’ve not already, go back to and search for the game. Make sure you pick the correct region which should match up with the same CUSA code as we see in Charles. Click on ‘Details’ under the patch you wish to download and then right-click on the Raw URL and Copy the link address.


Make sure you do this and don’t just copy the text, you need the full URL!

Go back to the “map remote” settings and paste the link you copied into the “map to” Path. Copy and paste the same Host, Port and Protocol from the “Map From” settings and then press Ok.
Any Update 1
Now, go back to your PS console and delete the update from your download queue and initiate the download again – by pressing Options and Check for update on the tile. The game will start downloading the update, it will say it’s downloading the latest one and not the one you chose but don’t panic.

Once it’s finished installing, you’ll find that the game has installed the patch you chose and NOT the latest one – as long as you followed the steps correctly. However, this does mean the game will try and download the real update once you change your network settings back to normal – so make sure you either stay offline or pause/cancel the update if you see it starting to download.

Any Update 5

Due to Charles being a trial version, it only remains open for 30 minutes at a time. If you get an error and it closes on you, don’t worry. If you’ve not started downloading the update using the URL from Orbis Patches yet, simply delete the update from your download queue and start it again – pausing it once the .json file appears so you can remap it. 

However, if you’ve already started downloading the new patch but the software times out – the update will pause on your console. Simply re-open Charles and tell your PS to resume the download – it’s already started downloading the alternative version so it’ll continue, despite looking like it’s grabbing the latest one.


This guide is a re-write of the forum post on PSN Profiles, HERE – I’ve tested it on a few games and it’s worked each time – if you have any issues, post them below and I’ll try to help you as best as I can.

If you found this useful please share it around so people are aware that you can both downgrade digital PS4 games to version 1.0 and then upgrade them to whatever patch version you wish (providing the link is on Orbis Patches).

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3 years ago

I must say thank you very much!

3 years ago
Reply to  Rob Pitt

really great m8 i did unlocked a new platinum trophy already tonight. thank you. i’ll study your manual several times it is really amazingly helpful!

Fabio Diniz
Fabio Diniz
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob Pitt

it didn’t work with kena, the game always downloads in the recent version, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

Rob Pitt
Rob Pitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Fabio Diniz

Hi, As long as you have downgraded the game to v1.0 then followed the instructions above exactly, it should download the version you’ve mapped within the application.

Your PS4/5 will still say it’s downloading the newest update, but it’s really downloading the version you’ve told it to.

An easy way to ensure this is true – when you first initiate the download, when you pause it, take note of how big the update is. Then, once you’ve remapped it, cancelled the download, and started it again, the download size ‘should’ be different.

Out of the 5 or 6 games I’ve done this on, only one of them had the same download size, all the others had a slightly different size depending on which patch I was forcing it to download.

Fabio Diniz
Fabio Diniz
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob Pitt

what happens is that i use the proxy exactly like in the tutorial, with the psx download helper application, but the ps5 downloads kena in version 1.009. this prevents me from starting the kena update to upgrade the version as it doesn’t find any update since it’s already at 1.009. were you able to download kena version 1.0 on ps5 ?

Rob Pitt
Rob Pitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Fabio Diniz

Hi, The process only works on PS4 games. So, you can do it with Kena but you have to download the PS4 version – if you’re getting 1.009 then I presume that’s the PS5 version.

I don’t believe there’s any way to downgrade digital PS5 games.

3 years ago

it worked, but it keeps giving error when I try to reload my save 🙁

3 years ago
Reply to  gsns

how do I start again? I’m trying to update my game to 1.05 after already doing the method to update it to 1.04, but the program always downloads the previous patch and doesn’t reset my settings…

Rob Pitt
Rob Pitt
3 years ago
Reply to  gsns

Hi, if you’ve got a saved game on a later version, it more than likely won’t work on an earlier patch. In most cases you’ll have to start a new game or do this before playing the game.

Regarding reversing it or updating again, close the app and change your PS4 network settings back. You should be able to just press Options on the game and search for an update – that’ll download the latest patch.

Or, if you mean you want to change to a later patch but not the latest one, you can just change the mapping of the file again and then tell the console to search for an update – that should update to the version you’ve chosen.

I say ‘should’ as I’ve not tried upgrading from one version to another, I’ve only downgraded to a version then upgraded to the latest patch once the dev fixed the issues I was having.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rob Pitt

Thank you! I actually did start a new save, but the glitch that I had in mind worked like a charm anyways. Again, really appreciate it! I thought it was impossible to do this without a physical copy of the game, so thanks for sharing!

3 years ago
Reply to  Rob Pitt

I was able to change from 1.04 to 1.05 by erasing the previous mapping and doing a new one 🙂

Ing CP
Ing CP
2 years ago

As of May 2022, I can confirm this works in Kena to do the master difficulty exploit.
Just downgrade to 1.00, then upgrade to 1.05. Your save files won’t work anymore though, so you’ll have to play through the game again first (on story mode or whatever), and then you can do the exploit on master.

Makkk yuu
Makkk yuu
2 years ago
Reply to  Ing CP

In the information screen will it say the latest or the patch you mapped when it’s done

2 years ago

Shame Orbis doesn’t list all the patches, Prey is missing everything pre 1.05, the patch everyone wants is 1.01

Etunimi Sukunimi
Etunimi Sukunimi
1 year ago

I crash on the part

“Right click on this and pick “map remote”.”

There is no such option to pick in the Charles I’m using.

Etunimi Sukunimi
Etunimi Sukunimi
1 year ago

Even if I paste the Raw url of the version I want, it does no good. It just downloads the latest version.

1 year ago

It’s been a while since I’ve done this – as I sold my PS4 when I got a PS5 – but i remember it saying it’s the new patch (as this effectively tricks it into grabbing the other one instead), but it should actually install the one you pick.

You also need to make sure that once you’ve pasted the one you want, you delete the downloading update on the console then force the game to check again for an update, otherwise it’ll just continue downloading the original patch

Etunimi Sukunimi
Etunimi Sukunimi
1 year ago
Reply to  Rob

I see it from the size of the download that it’s the wrong one. I also once let it download it in case it just says the size wrong, only to see it was the latest version.

Etunimi Sukunimi
Etunimi Sukunimi
1 year ago

Nevermind, the problem was solved. I was so stupid. I didn’t pay attention to the remote mapping: didn’t realize I had pasted the latest update link to both the “from” and “to” instead of the ORBIS link.

Your guide was helpful. Thanks. The only think I’d point out is that the wording for “map remote” in Charles had changed to “Viewer Mappings”.

Etunimi Sukunimi
Etunimi Sukunimi
1 year ago
Reply to  Rob

Thanks, your guide worked. It was my own mistake, detailed in the above comment I accidentally appointed to myself.

Etunimi Sukunimi
Etunimi Sukunimi
1 year ago

Below comment, I meant.

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